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Building Your Balance and Investing in Emotional Fortitude

Arete Coach

Episode #1071: Explore emotional fortitude, the value of silence, and the difference between consulting and coaching with Jason Thompson, an Executive Coach, Vistage Chair, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Axíes Group. During the discussion we get a glimpse into Jason’s experience co-authoring his book, his Balanced Organization Assessment, and his childhood entrepreneurial mindset where he would, at times, work for the fresh tomato when the experience was pay enough.

About Jason Thompson

Jason Thompson is an Executive Coach, Vistage Chair, Mentor, Author, Speaker, and Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Axíes Group. As Managing Partner for Axíes Group, Jason provides perspective from his 30 years of experience as a corporate executive and consultant. Jason has advised numerous Fortune 500, middle market, and startup companies across many industries throughout the United States. Jason helps leaders transform the way they see themselves and the organizations and people they serve. In 2021, Jason and his business partner, Bill Leider, became best-selling authors with their book, Mastering Your Balance.

Key highlights

The Balanced Organization Assessment

Timestamp 06:23

Jason Thompson is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Axíes Group, a firm that offers the Balanced Organization Assessment. This assessment allows “organizations to identify their blind spots related to” Axies’ “six elements of balance.” These six elements are vision, values, driven leadership, culture, strategy, and greater purpose. Jason uses this assessment across three layers of companies: executives, managers, and producers.

The Balanced Organization Assessment identifies the areas of balance that need greater investment in organizations. By investing in these areas, businesses can increase their “pace of change” and improve their businesses faster. Along with this assessment, Jason has co-authored the best-selling book Mastering Your Balance. Jason explains that this book is a “deeper insight” into the Balanced Organization Assessment and is “full of powerful stories and experiences” from helping clients achieve their balance.

Emotional fortitude

Timestamp 20:02

When asked if he has a personal mantra or rule that guides him throughout his life, Jason shares his learning about emotional fortitude. He explains that emotional fortitude is made of self-awareness, self-mastery, humility, and authenticity. Jason states that “the key there is humility because I don’t think you would engage in looking at that if you didn’t believe.”

Silence as a superpower

Timestamp 24:36

When discussing what powerful questions Jason uses in his coaching, Jason shares that after asking a question “you got to let silence be your superpower.” Jason explains that early in his coaching, he would be uncomfortable with the silence and jump in for a solution. However, today he values the power of silence and states, “...just allow the silence, it’ll get you where you need to go. Just don’t short-change you or your client by jumping in.”

Making the time

Timestamp 40:30

After discussing a book that has had a great impact on Jason, Severin asks what Jason’s takeaways were from his neuroscience for business studies at MIT. Jason shares that in his studies, he has learned that “you can teach old dogs new tricks by creating new neural pathways.” He explains that in order to do this, it is important to invest in your health. This includes getting plenty of sleep and water, having a good diet, exercising, and controlling cortisol levels. Jason also recommends mindfulness activities to help cope with challenges and change. According to Jason, “the rate of pace and change, isn’t going to slow down. So we need to learn to embrace and change the way that we view that.”

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